Digital Media as a Catalyst for Political, Cultural and Economic Change
in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Purpose
The digital Information Technology (IT) revolution currently underway is profoundly reshaping economic activity, influencing politics, and transforming societies around the world. It is also forcing a reconceptualization of the global and local; many of the technologies, platforms, and fundamental disruptions are global in nature, but national or local contexts critically influence the uses and effects of IT.
The Asia-Pacific provides a fascinating array of countries for examination of the political, economic, and socio-cultural effects of digital media on the modern world. Economies range from developing to advanced. Governments include varied democracies as well as one party regimes. The press enjoys relative freedom in some countries, undergoes limited constraints in others, and is tightly controlled in a few. Populations range from dense to sparse, and from diverse to relatively homogenous.
The panels will be divided to discuss following four major themes, "Digital Media versus Traditional Media", "Digital Media and Political Change in Asia", "Social Change and Economic Transformation", and "Digital Media and International Relations".
The fifth Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue will focus on these issues surrounding the impact of digital media. The Dialogue will bring together scholars, policy experts, and practitioners from the media, from Stanford University and from throughout Asia. Selected participants will start each session of the Dialogue with stimulating, brief presentations. Participants from around the region will engage in off-the-record discussion and exchange of views. Previous Dialogues have brought together experts and opinion leaders from Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Australia, and the United States.
- Date
- 13 September, 2013
- Time
- 17:00-18:30
- Venue
- Kyoto International Community House Event Hall
- Organized by
- The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Studies, Stanford University(APARC),
Stanford Japan Center, City of Kyoto
- Sponsored by
- Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Industrial Association, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Registration Fee
- Free
- Program
- ‹‹Moderator››
- Dr. Masahiko Aoki
Senior Fellow, FSI and SIEPR; Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies, Department of Economics, Stanford University
- ‹‹Panelists››
- Mr. Premesh Chandran (CEO, Malaysiakini, Malaysia)
Mr. Martin Fackler (Tokyo Bureau Chief, New York Times, USA)
Ms Hu Shuli (Editor-in-Chief, Caixin Media Company, Ltd., China)
Dr. Ichiya Nakamura (Professor, Keio University, Japan)
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