The East Asian Community: An Idea Whose Time has Come?
- Purpose
- The question of the shape and direction of regionalism in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific has long been controversial. During the Cold War, the United States tried to copy the NATO model in Asia, but did not succeed in building a regional anti-communist alliance. In the early 1990s, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad called for the development of an East Asian Economic Group, but this was met with resistance from the United States, among others. The efforts of ASEAN members to build a regional security framework consisting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea have not yet resulted in a cooperative security environment, and seem to have little bearing on the problem of North Korea.
2009 saw two significant steps toward new efforts at building regionalism: the proposed Asia-Pacific Community concept of Prime Minister Rudd of Australia, and the East Asian Community concept of Prime Minister Hatoyama of Japan. Although both premiers have stepped down, the prospect for increased momentum in the development of regionalism remains very tangible. This panel assembles experts and opinion leaders from the United States, Australia, Vietnam, China, and South Korea, to express their views on the future of regionalism in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and to convey the results of the second Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue.
- Date
- 10 September, 2010
- Time
- 17:00-18:30
- Venue
- Kyoto International Community House Event Hall
- Organized by
- The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Studies, Stanford University(APARC),
Stanford Japan Center, City of Kyoto
- Sponsored by
- Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Industrial Association, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Registration Fee
- Free
- Program
- ‹‹Moderator››
- Dr. Masahiko Aoki
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, and Senior Fellow, FSI
Director, Virtual Center for Advanced Studies in Institutions (VCASI)
- ‹‹Panelists››
- Dr. Michael Armacost (former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Shorenstein Distinguished Fellow, Stanford University)
Dr. Andrew MacIntyre (Dean, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australia National University)
Madame Ton Nu Thi Ninh (former Vietnamese Ambassador to the European Union, President, Tri Viet University Project)
Dr. Shi Yinhong (Director, Center for American Studies, Renmin University)
Dr. Yoon Young-Kwan (former Foreign Minister, Republic of Korea, Professor, Seoul National University)
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