Reforming Higher Education:
Meeting the Challenges of Global Competition
in the Digital Information Age
- Purpose
Asia has developed rapidly in the past few decades, and education provided a critical foundation driving that growth. A decade into the 21st century, an array of new challenges face their educational systems-particularly higher education. The current strengths, weaknesses, and configurations of educational systems across Asian countries differ considerably - particularly among developed and developing countries. While this creates variation in the exact issues facing each country, many of the critical challenges are common to all in an increasingly globalized, digital world.
At its core, the challenge facing higher education of every country is how immobile assets (national populations) can capture increasingly globally mobile jobs. Countries and regions are brought into more intense competition with one another than ever before, as information technology (IT) tools have enabled vastly more complex cross-national production networks, automated a vast array of tasks, and broken apart service tasks with ever greater granularity. This has raised fundamental questions about what types of skills are required to adapt to fast-paced change, how to mitigate domestic inequality, what role the government should play in education, and to what areas resources should be concentrated. Questions to be addressed include:
Can higher education meet the challenges of economic transformation? How are higher education systems facing major demographic shifts underway? How are higher education systems coping with the increased needs for globalized human capital? What are the strategies for the globalization of higher education itself? How can higher education play a greater role in innovation? What are the challenges and opportunities in reforming higher education?
The fourth Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue will focus on these issues surrounding the reform of higher education. These issues are of paramount importance to the Asian region as countries search for pathways to enable sustained growth.
Scholars and high-level administrators from Stanford University and various Asian countries and institutions will start each session of the Dialogue with stimulating, brief presentations. Participants from around the region will engage in off-the-record discussion and exchange of views. Previous Dialogues have brought together experts and opinion leaders from Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Australia, and the United States.
- Date
- 7 September, 2012
- Time
- 17:00-18:30
- Venue
- Kyoto International Community House Event Hall
- Organized by
- The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Studies, Stanford University(APARC),
Stanford Japan Center, City of Kyoto
- Sponsored by
- Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Industrial Association
- Registration Fee
- Free
- Registration
- If you would like to attend our symposium, please e-mail us
with your name and affiliation. (skd
- Program
- ‹‹Moderator››
- Dr. Masahiko Aoki
Senior Fellow, FSI and SIEPR; Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies, Department of Economics, Stanford University
- ‹‹Panelists››
- Mr. David Arnold (President, The Asia Foundation, USA)
Dr. Gerhard Casper (President Emeritus, Stanford University, USA)
Mr. Daisaku Kadokawa (Mayor, Kyoto City (invited), Japan)
Dr. Kang-Min Yu (Provost, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
- E-mail
- skd