Demographic Change in East Asia: Economic, Social, and Security Implications
- Purpose
- Japan is out in front, chased closely by South Korea, with China, on a vastly larger scale, not far behind. Not as mercantilist development states; nor as threats to American high-tech industry; but rather as the world's most rapidly aging societies.
A wave of unprecedented demographic change is sweeping across East Asia, the forefront of a developed-world phenomenon of longer life expectancy and declining birthrates that together yield a striking rate of aging. Japan already confronts a shrinking population. Korea is graying even more quickly. And in China, although it is projected to grow for another couple of decades, demographic change races against economic development, lest China become the first country to grow old before growing rich. In Southeast Asia, Singapore also is confronting a declining birthrate and an aging society. Increasingly Asia’s aging societies look to its younger societies, such as Vietnam, Indonesia and India, as sources of migrant labor and even wives. Those younger societies in turn face different demographic challenges such as how to educate their youth for global competition.
The third Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue will focus on demographic change in the region and its implications across a wide range of areas, including economies, societies, and security. Asia's experience offers both lessons and warnings for North America and Europe, which are facing similar problems. Questions to be addressed include:
What are the inter-relationships between population aging and key macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, savings rates, and public and private intergenerational transfers?
How and why do policy responses to population aging differ in Japan, South Korea, and across different regions of China? What policies can or should be pursued to influence future outcomes? How will demographic change affect security in the Asia-Pacific region? How have patterns of migration impacted society and culture in East Asia, in comparative perspective? How will demographic change impact future migration patterns and the prevalence of multicultural families? What lessons can Asia, the United States and Europe learn from each other to improve the policy response to population aging?
Scholars from Stanford University and various Asian countries will start each session of the Dialogue with stimulating, brief presentations. Participants from around the region will engage in off-the-record discussion and exchange of views. Previous Dialogues have brought together experts and opinion leaders from Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Australia, and the United States.
- Date
- 9 September, 2011
- Time
- 17:00-18:30
- Venue
- Kyoto International Community House Event Hall
- Organized by
- The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Studies, Stanford University(APARC),
Stanford Japan Center, City of Kyoto
- Sponsored by
- Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Industrial Association, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Registration Fee
- Free
- Registration
- If you would like to attend our symposium, please e-mail us
with your name and affiliation. (skd
- Program
- ‹‹Moderator››
- Dr. Masahiko Aoki
Senior Fellow, FSI and SIEPR; Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies, Department of Economics, Stanford University
- ‹‹Panelists››
- Dr. Cai Fang (Director, Institute of Population and Labor Economics (IPLE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) )
Dr. Karen Eggleston (Shorenstein APARC Center Fellow, FSI CHP/PCOR Fellow and Director of the Asia Health Policy Program)
Mme. Ton Nu Thi Ninh (President, Tri-Viet University, Former Vietnamese Ambassador to the European Union)
Mr. Keiichiro Oizumi (Senior Economist, Economics Department, Japan Research Institute)
Minister Yu Myung Hwan (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, Former ROK Ambassador to Japan)
- E-mail
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