Call for Papers
The 15th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference
(ITS Bangkok 2019)
October 27 - 29, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Digital Transformation: Building a Sustainable Society
Digital technology has enhanced innovation and creativity in our society. New forms of technology use, such as Internet-of-Things and Artificial Intelligence, are now sustaining our society. The evolution of secured networks over 5G and optical fiber has supported rapid development. We are now benefiting from a variety of applications based on the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Besides the development of the technology, many social problems are yet to be solved, such as poverty, existence of divides, climate change, natural disasters, lack of education. In 2015, United Nations committed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) composed of 169 targets. The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It is expected to achieve each goal and target by 2030 in order to leave no one behind.
Digital transformation is a key enabler for attaining sustainable growth and realizing an inclusive society at a global level since digital technologies are expected to accelerate the efforts to achieve the goals. Through innovative use of advanced technologies, ICT plays an important role in delivering the goals in various ways by mobilizing, redirecting and unlocking transformative forces. By nurturing ecosystems, efficiencies will improve dramatically and social returns will, in turn, increase. Thus, digital transformation facilitates growth and development across all the SDGs.
In addition, digital transformation is required to enhance synergies between digital innovations and social goals, and to create a new form of collaboration and partnership among multiple stakeholders.
The organizer welcomes submissions on the contribution of ICT to the achievement of a sustainable society. In particular, submissions that address social issues with ICT are encouraged. In addition, we welcome submissions on a range of session topics as outlined below:
Session Topics:
- Regulation and Policy
- Economy and Society
- Spectrum and Infrastructure
- Digital Challenge
- Digital Governance
- New Service / New Business / Technological Trends
- Country Case Studies
- Others
- Regulation and Policy
- 1.1 Impact of regulation on competition
- 1.2 Regulation for emerging technologies
- 1.3 Coordinated approach between regulator and private sector
- 1.4 Deregulation
- Economy and Society
- 2.1 Digital inclusion
- 2.2 Digital connectivity
- 2.3 Smart data-driven economy
- 2.4 Demand forecasting
- 2.5 Digital finance
- 2.6 ICT impact on daily life
- 2.7 Productivity growth and ICT
- 2.8 Affordable access / inclusion
- Spectrum and Infrastructure
- 3.1 Spectrum auctions and alternative award processes
- 3.2 Spectrum redeployment
- 3.3 Spectrum valuation
- 3.4 Spectrum sharing
- 3.5 Infrastructure sharing
- Digital Challenge
- 4.1 Ecosystem
- 4.2 Workforce substitution
- 4.3 Disruption / mega shift
- Digital Governance
- 5.1 Privacy and data protection
- 5.2 Safety
- 5.3 Security
- 5.4 Ethics
- 5.5 Consumer trust
- 5.6 Human-centric technology development
- New Service / New Business / Technological Trend
- 6.1 AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- 6.2 5G
- 6.3 IoT (Internet of Things)
- 6.4 Satellite service
- 6.5 Big data
- 6.6 Smart-everything
- 6.7 Robotization
- 6.8 UI and UX (User Interface and User Experience)
- 6.9 New media and content
- 6.10 OTT (Over-the-top)
- 6.11 Telemedicine
- 6.12 Digital identity
- 6.13 Financial technology
- 6.14 New Communication Technologies
- Country Case Studies
- Others
Submissions addressing any other subject relating to telecommunication systems and markets are also welcome.
Call for session proposal:
The organizer encourages the submission of complete panels consisting of three or more individual papers and a chair. Panel submissions should bring together complementary papers that tackle compelling research questions or subjects of study in ICT markets and policies.
Important dates:
- Deadline for abstracts and panel session suggestions : July 25, 2019
- Registration open: August 1, 2019
- Notification of acceptance : August 15, 2019 August 20, 2019
- Early-bird registration deadline : September 10, 2019
- Online registration deadline: October 5, 2019
(Onsite registration is acceptable.) - Deadline for final papers : October 10, 2019
- 15th ITS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand: October 27-29, 2019
Submission of abstracts:
Abstracts should be about 2 pages (800 to 1000 words) in length and contain the following information:
- Title of the contribution
- A clear statement of the research question
- Remarks on methodology adopted in the paper
- Outline of (expected) results
- Bibliographical notes (up to 6 key references used in the paper)
Please submit your abstract in PDF format.
All abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review.
Submission of full paper:
Author can use their own format for the ITS Bangkok 2019 full paper. However, the organizer recommends to use the template provided below. The full paper using this template should be at least 4 pages in length. The necessary information is instructed in detail inside the template.
Online submission
ITS Bangkok 2019 is using the Easychair online submission system. Please use the following link to submit an abstract through Easychair:
If you do not have an account with Easychair, you will need to set one up. If you have used Easychair as an author or reviewer, your existing password and account remain valid.
Please ensure that your abstract is anonymized. You will be invited to provide your personal information in a different section.